Arecco, Sergio.
Il viandante d lo schermo d’argento. Filmcritica. Rome. No. 338, October, 1983
Bonitzer, Pascal.
Nouveaux films, The Illiac Passion. Cahiers du Cinéma, No. 213, June 1969
Bacigalupo, Massimo.
G. J. Markopoulos, Il Filmmaker è sempre solo. Sipario, No. 274, February, 1969
Gregory Markopoulos. Il Cineamatore, No. 1, February 1967
Battcock, Gregory.
Money & Markopoulos. Filmwise 3 & 4, Spring 1963
Beauvais, Y. & Bouhours, J.-M.
A la mémoire d’un Ange – Gregory Markopoulos 1928 – 1992. L’Armateur, March, 1993
Beauvais, Yann.
Kenneth Anger, Gregory Markopoulos et Jean Genet. Vertigo, No.14, 1995
Belmans, Jacques.
Analyses des longs metrages (The Illiac Passion, Twice a Man). Image et Son, No. 219. September/Octobre 1968
Boultenhouse, Charles.
A Review of ‘Serenity’. Scenario, vol 2 No.8, Nov./Dec. 1961
Film for the Time Being. Kulchur, Vol. 4, No. 15, Autumn 1964
Brakhage, Stan.
Province-and-Providential Letter. Film Culture, No.24, Spring 1962
Sound and Cinema.(an exchange of letters) Film Culture, No.29, Summer 1963
Brandelmeier, Thomas.
‘The Theory is the work’…nach zwei Gesprächen mit Gregory J. Markopoulos. Film-Korrespondenz, No.11, November 1973
‘The Theory is the Work’ Zwei Gesprächen mit Gregory J. Markopoulos. Film und Ton, February 1974
Brown, Robert.
Interview with Gregory Markopoulos, Film Culture, No.32, spring 1964
‘Twice A Man’ Thrice Love,Twice Death. Film Culture, No. 32, Spring 1964
Camper, Fred.
The End of Avant-garde Film. Millenium Film Journal, Nos.16- 18, Fall/Winter 1986-1987
Chin, Daryl.
As Time Goes By – The Century of Cinema. Performing Arts Journal, Vol. 28 no.3,September 1996
Chomont, Tom.
Eros, O Basileus, A Film by Markopoulos. Film Culture, No. 47, Summer 1969
The Invisible Wings of Eros. Masque, No. 8, February-March 1969
Ehrenstein, David.
Gregory Markopoulos, Notes from the Underground. Film Comment Vol. 29 No. 4, July-August 1993
Field, Simon.
Twice A Man. Monthly Film Bulletin, vol. 50 No.595, August 1983
Foye, Raymond.
The Celestial Cinema of Gregory Markopoulos. Gagosian Winter 2022 Issue (link)
Gregor, Ulrich.
Das Kino von Knokke, Filmkritik, No.2 February 1968
Haakman, Anton.
Markopoulos contra de commercie, ‘Commerciele film kan nooit onafhankelijk zijn’. Elseviers No. 47, 20 November 1971
Hakim, Dennis J.
16mm Films as an Art Medium. Home Movies, October 1948
Hammen, Scott.
Visionary Criticism, Afterimage, Vol.2 No.5, November 1974
Harrington, Curtis.
A Slender Memory. Filmwise 3 & 4 Spring 1963
Hart, Henry.
An Educational Scandal. Films in Review, Vol 2 No.7, August- September, 1951
Hoover, Clara.
A Comment on ‘Twice A Man’. Film Comment Vol.1 No.6, Autumn 1963
Jenkins, Bruce.
A Case Against “Structural Film”. Journal of the University Film Association, Vol. 33 No.2, Spring 1981
Johnston, Albert.
Neuf cinéastes souterrains U.S.A. Cinéma 67, No.115, April 1967
Jones, Landon jr.
Response 1966. Princeton Alumni Weekly Vol. 65, No. 26, 17 May 1966
Jones, Kristin M.
Gregory J. Markopoulos – Whitney Museum of American Art. Artforum, Vol. 34 No.10, Summer 1996
Kasper, Laurent.
En exclusité, une Interview de Gregory Markopoulos. Revue du Cinéma International, No.15, March 1971
Kelman, Ken.
Anticipations of the Light. The Nation, Vol. 198 No.20, 11 May 1964
Gregory Markopoulos the Homer of Avant-garde Cinema. Clyde, No.4 June 1965
Portrait of the Young Man as Artist, from the Notebook of Robert Beavers. Film Culture Nos. 67-69, 1979
Kelly, Robert.
Letter from Robert Kelly to Gregory Markopoulos. Film Culture No.37, Summer 1965
Klava, Ian.
Comment. Film Digest (Australia) No.4 October 1965
Klingel, Karen.
Psyche, Dreamscape with Butterfly. Filmwise 3 & 4,Spring 1963
Krech, Joachim.
The New American Cinema, eine Uebersicht. Film No.1, Jan.1966
Kroll, Jack.
Up from the Underground. Newsweek, 13 Februray 1967
Kuhlbrodt, Dietrich.
An die Redaktion Film Als Film, Markopoulos versus Hein. Medium, May 1982
Lamberton, Robert.
Himself As Herself. Cinema News vol. 1 No.1, May 1967
Landow, George.
Approaching Myth Making. Filmwise 3 & 4, Spring 1963
Leonardi, Alfredo.
Gregory J. Markopoulos, economia e liberta. Filmcritica No.179/180 July/August 1967
Pensando con affeto a Beppe Chiari. Filmcritica, No. 188, April 1968
Levine, Charles.
The Markopoulos Mystery. Experimental Film Coalition Newsletter, Oct.-Dec. 1980
Markopoulos, G. J.
A Spoleto Diary. Scenario, Vol 2 No. 6 July/August 1961
A Supreme Art in a Dark Age. Cantrill’s Filmnotes, No. 11, October 1972
Adventures with Bliss in Roma. Prisma, Vol 2 no.4, 1969
“And I Shall Pull Things From the Stars!” Cantrill’s Filmnotes, No.13, April 1973
Beyond Audio-visual Space. Vision Vol.1No.2 Summer 1962
Bruised by the Critics. Film Digest, No10 April 1966
Cinema Debate. Evergreen Review, July/August 1967
Clarity upon clarity through reflection. Cantrill’s Filmnotes, No.19, October 1974
Correspondences of Smells and Visuals. Film Culture No.46 Autumn 1967
Des premiers balbutiements createurs vers l’avenir. travelling. No.32 July/August 1972
Een plechtige pauze. Skrien, No.28, january 1972
8th Street Boys. Intransit – Warhol/Malanga Monster Issue, 1968?
Element of the Void. Cantrill’s Filmnotes, No.12 december 1972
Excerpts from a Tentative Script of ‘Twice A Man’. Film Culture, No.29 Summer 1963
Formal Account. Kinema No.16 February 1970
From ‘Fanshawe’ to ‘Swain’. Film Culture No. 4, Summer 1966
From Gregory Markopoulos. the News, June/July 1965
‘Galaxie’ Production and Critical Notes. Film Culture, No.42 Fall 1966
Il Film-maker quale medico del futuro. Ombre Eletricche, Nos 3/4 September 1968
Il momento benefico. Temporale, No.3 December 1983
Il riscatto del contrario. Filmcritica, No.213 February 1971
In altre parola e la sua lingua. Filmcritica, No222 February 1972
In Other Words it is his Tongue. Cantrill’s Filmnotes Nos. 14/15 August 1973
Inherent Limitations. The Sydney Cinema Journal, No.1 Autumn 1966
Innocent Revels. Film Culture, No.33 Summer 1964
Institutions, Customs, Landscapes. Film Digest Nos 23/24 1967
Jean Cocteau. Scenario vol. 8 Nos. 3/4/5 1962
Jean Genet’s Only Film, Un chant d’amour. Scenario Vol2 No8 November/December 1961
L’arbre aux champignons. Sequence Thirteen. New year 1951
L’usura dello spirito creativo e la coscienza individuale. Filmcritica No266, July 1976
La percezione del regista nella contemplazione. Cinema e Società, Nos. 11/12/13 March 1973
Le Pont Adamantine I. Cinéma 9, No.5 1969
Le Pont Adamantine II. Cinéma 9, Nor. 6 1970
Letter from Gregory Markopoulos. Canyon Cinema News vol 11,No.8, October/November 1964
Letter. Filmmakers Newsletter, Vol. 5 No. 3, January 1972
Limitations inhérentes. revue du Cinöma International, No.12, December 1970
Lo spettatore filmico del futuro. Filmcritica, No.245, May 1974
Love’s Task. Film Culture, Nos.53/54/55 Spring 1972
Met andere woorden het is zijn tong. Skrien Nos. 29/30 1972
New American Cinema – ‘Scorpio Rising’ allusivita e masochismo. Filmcritica Nos. 169/170, August/September 1966
Note from Zürich of Work in Progress. Supervisuelle, No.5 January 1969
Overtime. Scenario, Vol. 2 No. 7 September/October 1961
Per un nuovo complemento sonoro al mezzo cinematografico. Filmcritica, No.182 October 1967
Projection of Thoughts, Film Culture, No.32, Spring 1964
Proposta per un film intitolato ‘Ascencion’. Quaderni del cut, Bari No.4 March 1968
Psyche’s Search for the Herb of Invulnerability. Filmwise vol 3 Nos 5/6 8th December 1961
Psyche’s Search for the Herb of Invulnerability. Filmwise 3 & 4, Spring 1963
Random Notes during a Two Week Lecture tour of the United States. Film Comment Vol 2 No.4 Fall 1965
Rectification (letter). Cinema 75, No. 194 January 1975
Relazione di G. markopoulos alla tavola rotonda tenuta a Montecatini durante il XXII Concorso Nazionale FEDIK. Cineclub Nos.7/8 July/August 1971
Relazione e interventi ‘tavola rotonda’. Cineclub Nos.7/8/9 July/September 1972
Robert Bresson…a Brief Study. Scenario, Vol.3 No. 2 March/April 1962
Scorpio Rising (First Impressions after a First Viewing, Oct.29 1963). Film Culture No.31 Winter 1963/64
‘Serenity’ excerpts. Filmwise 3 & 4 Spring 1963
Sound and Cinema (Letters). Film Culture, No 29 Summer 1963
Statement Concerning Cinema. Film Culture No.29 Summer 1963
Sto Palikari. Supervisuelle No.3 1968
Stille Nacht. Filmwise 1, Stan Brakhage 1962
10th of July. Cinema Nos. 53/54 Spring 1968
The Adamantine Bridge. Film Culure Nos. 53/54/55 Spring 1972
The Driving Rhythm. Film Culture No. 40 Spring 1972
The Erasing Influence, A Short Account of the Early Work of Curtis Harrington. Vision vol. 1 No.1 spring 1962
The Event Inside the Camera. Kinema Nos. 8/9/10 1969
The Event Inside the Camera. Toucan Vol.2 No.1 Spring 1969
The Experimental Film in America. Film Culture Vol.1 No. 3 May/June 1955
The Filmmaker as Physician of the Future. Film Culture No.44 Spring 1967
The Golden Poet. Film Culture No.27 Winter 1962/63
The Illiac Passion. Koan Vol.1 No.2 Spring 1967
The Intuition Space. Cantrill’s Filmnotes Nos. 17/18 June 1974
The Language of Diamonds. Film Culture No.52 Spring 1971
The Museum of Modern Art Film Library. Film Comment Vol.1 No.3 1962
The Redeeming of the Contrary. Film Culture No. 52 Spring 1971
The Siege of Bruxelles. Melbourne Film Bulletin No.10 October 1969
The text for the sound recording of ‘Twice A Man’. Film Culture No29 Summer 1963
Three Filmmakers. Film Culture No.35 Winter 1964/65
Towards a Complete Order. Cantrill’s Filmnotes Nos.21/22 April 1975
Towards a Constructive Complex in Projection. Ombre elettriche No. 1d December 1968
Towards a New Narrative Form in Motion Pictures. Film Comment Vol.1 No.6 Fall 1963
Towards a New Narrative Film Form. Film Culture No.31 Winter 1963/64
Toward a New Narrative Form in Motion Pictures. Omnivore No.3 Fall 1963
Towards a New Sound Complement for Motion Pictures. Film Culture No.46 Autumn 1967
Towards a New Sound Complement for Motion Pictures. Kino No.6 1968
Triumph of the Symbol. Film Comment Vol.1 No.3 1962
Twice a Man. Scenario vol.2 No.6 July/August 1961
‘Twice a Man’ Film Culture No.29Summer 1963
Twice a Man. Bolex Reporter Vol. 16 No.1 1966
Two Poems. December vol.8 No.1 1966
Twice Recalled. Scenario Vol. 3 No.1 January/February 1962
Un art souverain pour un sombre époque. Travelling No. 34 November/December 1972
Un arte somma in una ‘eta oscura. Qui No.8 June 1972
Vers un nouveau complément sonore de l’image montée. Cinéma Pratique No. 96, January 1970
Una pausa solenne. Notizario Arte Contemporanea No.12 December 1971
Underground ( ‘auf dem Wege zu einer neuer filmischen erzählform.’) Filmkritik No.4 April 1968
Underground Information. spot No.4 September 1968
What Are You Ready For?. December Vol 7 No. 1 1965
What do You Think (letter, Chaos in Greece) Films and Filming. Vol.8 No. 3 December 1961
Meier, Dieter.
Interview Markopoulos. Kinema Nos. 5/6 1968
Mekas, Jonas.
An Interview with Gregory Markopoulos. Canyon Cinema News, vol.1 No.1 May 1967
An Interview with Gregory Markopoulos. Link Spring 1968
Arguing about Film. Performance Vol.1 No.1 Fall 1971
Ernie Gehr Interview by Jonas Mekas. Film Culture No.52 Spring 1971
Index to the Work of Gregory Markopoulos. Film Culture No. 52 Spring 1972
Independence for Independents. American Film. September 1978
Letter. Filmmakers’ Newsletter, Vol.1 No.12 1968
Notes on the New American Cinema. Film Culture No. 24 Spring 1962
Press Release. Film culture No.29 Summer 1963
The Experimental Film in America. Film Culture Vol.1 no.3 May/June 1955
Three Notes on ‘Invocation of My Demon Brother’ Film Culture Nos. 48/49 Winter/Spring 1970
Mener, Jacques.
Twice A Man, Un commentaire. Script Nos. 10/11/12 march 1964
Menon, Gianni.
Passione (The Illiac Passion). Cinema – Film, No.9 Summer 1969
Meyer, Andrew.
Film As Art. Screen Directors September 1965
Micha, René.
Cinéma expérimental. La Nouvelle Revue Francaise No.184 April 1968
Le nouveau cinéma. Les Temps Modernes March 1964
Robert Beavers ou le cinéma absolu. Art International No.6 Summer 1973
Un héros ded notre temps. Les Temps Modernes No.344 March 1975
Milani, Raffaele.
Il primo ‘underground’ americano. Filmcritica No. 268 October 1976
Markopoulos,cinema come oggettivazione del pensiero sublime. Filmcritica No.251 January/February 1975
Moravia, Alberto.
Un Film di Markopoulos con Tiziano a Nascondino. L’Espresso, 15 March 1970
Mucci, Egidio.
Cinema- Incontro con Markopoulos. Politica 11 April 1971
Noguez, Dominique.
Au risque d’Ennuyer. Ecran 78, No. 65 January 1978
Trois ‘créateurs’ trois films. L’Art Vivant No.49 May 1974
Une nouvelle revolution cinématographique. La Nouvelle Revue Francaise, No.18 February 1968
Ober, Jerven.
Markopoulos introduceert Robert Beavers. Skrien, No.28 January 1972
Odin, Paul-Emmanuel.
Plexus solaire, Notes sur ‘Galaxie’ de Gregory J. Markopoulos. episodic No. 1 Spring 1996
Ollier, Claude.
Une oeuvre et ses marges. Cahiers du Cinéma No. 153 March 1964
Perez, Michel.
L’Underground, Un cinéma de bordel. Cinéma 69 No.132 January 1969
The Illiac Passion. Evangelische Film-Beobachter No.15 10 April 1971
The Mysteries. Evangelische Film-Beobachter No.5 January 1971
Potters, Paul.
Petit journal du Cinéma (Markopoulos). Cahiers du Cinéma No.208 January 1969
Quadri, Franco.
Cinema come Testazione o come sabocco. Notizario Arte Contemporanea, No. 27, 15 December 1969
Markopoulos o del film-ritratto. Notizario Arte Contemporanea No.30, 1 February 1970
Reichart, Wilfried
Gespräch mit G.J. Markopoulos. Film No.10 October 1968 & burghardt, Jutta
Rose, Tony.
The World of Dreams. Amateur Cine World, January 1949
Roth, Wilhelm.
Gregory J. Markopoulos. Filmkritik No.1 January 1969
Saaltink, Hans.
Amerika is meer dan Hollywood. Accent No.12 18 may 1968
Schupbach, Marcel.
Notes sur l’underground. Travelling No.29, September/October 1971
Sitney, P. Adams.
Gregory J. Markopoulos, From Trance to Epic. Filmwise 3& 4, Spring 1963
Report on the Fourth International Experimental Film Exposition at Knokke-Le-Zoute. Film Culture No.46 Autumn 1967
Structural Film. Film Culture No.47 Summer 1969
The New American Cinema Exposition. Film Culture No.46 Autumn 1967
Twice a Man – Une explication. Script Nos. 10/11/12 March 1964
Sonderegger, Ronald.
Unser Gast, Gregory Markopoulos, Ein Leben für Experimentalfilm. Schweizer Illustriert No. 15, 5 April 1971
Star, Francis.
Twice a Man. Film Culture No. 29, Summer 1963
Steele, Robert.
Another Trip to the Pawnshop. Film Heritage Spring 1966
Stein Elliot.
Fog at Knokke. Sight and Sound Spring 1964
Turbyfill, Mark.
Being Myself in a Markopoulos Biography. Film Culture No. 46 Autumn 1967
Tyler, Parker.
A Lecture for Gregory Markopoulos. Filmwise 3 & 4 Spring 1963
Harrington, Markopoulos, Boultenhouse, Two Down and One to Go? Film Culture No.21 Summer 1960
The Experimental Film. Theatre Arts July 1949
The Film Sense and the Painting Sense. Perspectives USA, No.11 Spring 1955
Uplands, Harry.
On Twice a Man. The Justice, 30 March 1965
Wahl, Jan.
Apollo’s Chariot, A Memoir Concerning G.J.M. Filmwise 3 & 4 Spring 1963
Whitehall, Richard.
Twice A Man. Cinema Vol.3 No.4 December 1966
Yiannias, Vicki J.
Reviving Temenos, Odyssey, May/June 2003 (periodical)